Scholarship Winners for Fall 2020
Congratulations to our Fall 2020 Scholarship Winners for everything they have accomplished. Their achievements embody our three pillars of academics, service, and leadership at the UAlberta Golden Key Chapter.
Please Note: Occasionally some of our scholarship winners wish to remain anonymous. If that is the case then they will not be found below.

"Hi! My name is Eki. I am currently pursuing a master’s degree in educational psychology at the University of Alberta. I am passionate about using research as an advocacy tool for vulnerable communities. Learning about different cultures and listening to peoples’ stories excites me. Serving the underserved is where my heart is, and my community service experience meaningfully informs my social justice work. During my spare time, I love baking, Afrobeat workouts, adding memories to my scrapbook, and going on long nature walks during sunset."
Eki Okungbowa

Heather Mark
“Heather Mark has been a settler on Treaty 6 since 2008. This Spring, she will graduate from the University of Alberta with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in History and Spanish along with certificates in translation and international learning. During her first year as a member of the Golden Key, she founded the Alberta Academic Review Ltd, an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed academic journal that mentors authors of the university community and publishes electronically. Recently, Heather has taken an interest in progressive journalism alongside her creative poetry practice. During the pandemic, she has devoted her spare time to accountable, community-based initiatives that provide support for the houseless population on Treaty 6.”

Nabil Khalid
“Nabil Khalid received the Bachelor of Electrical Engineering degree from Air University, Islamabad, Pakistan in 2013. His Majors involved Telecommunications, RF/Microwave, and RADARs. Following his undergraduate he worked at RWR Pvt. Ltd., Islamabad, Pakistan from 2013 to 2014 as a Design Engineer in the RF/Microwave department.
His focus was on designing industrial grade power amplifiers. From 2015 to 2017, Nabil worked at Next-generation and Wireless Communications Laboratory (NWCL) as a Research Assistant, and being a TUBITAK scholar, he received his Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey. His focus was on developing the physical layer of THz Band wireless communications. Following that, he joined Intelligent Wireless Technologies Laboratory (IWT) in 2017 as a Research Assistant where his work, under the supervision of Prof. Pedram Mousavi, was focused on designing batteryless wireless for 5G IoT applications.
In 2020, as an Alberta Innovates Scholar, Nabil started pursuing his Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Prof. Ashwin Iyer at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. He is focused on designing RFID-based wireless sensors.”

Olga Loggale
“I am a biological sciences undergraduate student currently in my fourth year with the hopes of pursuing dental school following the completion of my degree! Since beginning university I have involved myself in the empowerment of Black youth through volunteer work with organizations such as the South Sudanese Youth Committee, and the City of Edmonton Youth Council.
More recently I have started volunteering with the Africa Centre's YEGTheComeUp and have become a mentor for Black high school students through the University of Alberta's Black Youth Mentorship and Leadership Program. Although I myself am just learning the ropes, I hope that the work I get to do with these youth helps them to overcome the disadvantages they encounter throughout their journey's and also fosters a sense of community belonging for them. These experiences have allowed me to see firsthand the potential that the Black youth within Edmonton possess and I am so excited for the world to see what this next generation has to offer!
While my time is largely tied up between maintaining my GPA, volunteering, and work, I really enjoy physical activity and try to regularly exercise and do other activities such as rock climbing or leisure sports! I also play guitar on the side but you can imagine how well that is going with my limited time to practice.”