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Our Chapter has a rich history of philanthropic service and a diverse array of activities and programs to engage our members in community service initiatives. Our aim is to bring our members together towards the common cause of helping others, making a positive impact in the community. 


Golden Key offers numerous diverse and engaging great Service events and initiatives to be a part of including volunteering with Taste of Edmonton, Disney on Ice, and Outrun the Stigma Awareness Run to name a few. We also organized a Food Bank Drive donating to the U of A Campus Food Bank, as well as Toothbrushes for Toddlers, an initiative to donate toothbrushes to children in need. This past February we also organized a successful Pints for Puppies event, where students came out for a night to de-stress from finals and all ticket sales went towards the Edmonton Humane Society 


By taking advantage of the amazing volunteering opportunities available to you in Golden Key, you can become a stronger leader. We have highlighted some of our most successful Service events below! 

Virtual Team Meeting


Virtual Team Meeting

Executive Election

Are you interested in giving back to your community? Would you like to create service events? One way to get involved with our Chapter is to run for a position on our Executive Team. We are always looking for students who want to take our volunteer opportunities to the next level. If you believe you have qualities that would make you a good fit for our executive team then please reach out to us at We will let you know which positions are available and/or when our next executive election will take place.

Taking on an executive role can help you build leadership skills, connect with other engaged members of our Chapter, and create new volunteer opportunities for others at the University of Alberta and in the City of Edmonton. Volunteer with us today!




Election Every Autumn (Usually)
Virtual Meetings Periodically


Every November
Date: TBD

Our annual New Member Recognition Event is usually held in November. This event was virtual during the pandemic. More details  will be sent out to our members via email.

Alberta Academic Review

Volunteer and/or submit a manuscript!

Regional and International Summits

Reach out to Exec to find out when and where upcoming summits are (and if funding or reimbursements are available)!


Blood drive with Canadian 

blood services

Nov. 27/17 and Jan. 29/18

Do you want to save a life today? Join GK's Blood Drive to give the gift of life! Spots fill up fast for this popular event,so email your VP Service to sign up!

Taste of Edmonton

July 2019

Want to "Spice" up your Summer? Experience one of Edmonton's yearly Summer festivals while gaining volunteer hours! As a volunteer you will help  facilitate a positive experience!

Disney on ice

Nov. 29 - Dec. 3

Do you love all things Disney? Then this is the perfect opportunity for you! Sign up to volunteer at the Northlands 

Coliseum as a sales representative while gaining experience in customer service, sales, and marketing! 

Toothbrushes for Toddlers 

April 2019

Give back to community by helping those in need! Bring new/unused toothbrushes to Infolinks in CAB and SUB. All donations will go to the Kids Kottage!

Get involved!

If you are interested in becoming more involved with your local chapter --- whether academic, leadership, service and/or social events, please do get in touch with us! We can then provide you with more information and point you in the right direction :)

Success! Message received.

Box 25 SUB, Students' Union Building, University of Alberta Edmonton AB Canada T6G 2J7

  • UofAGK Instagram
  • X @UofAGK
  • GK IHS Youtube
  • GK HQ LinkedIn


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